Thank you for booking your coaching session.

Your email was sent successfully.

If this is the first time that you are coming, please download, read through and complete the consent from. Please email me the completed form to (The form is just below on this page).

You can make use of EFT or PayPal for payment to secure your appointment. The cost for the appointment is R1400.

Banking Details:
Dr Nadine Dunn
FNB Saveways
Cheque Account: 624 850 855 78
Branch Number: 27-04-50
Reference: Name and Surname

Please send proof of payment to: 083 324 2949 or

Bookings and Cancellation Policy

First time appointments are reserved for 48 hours and will be cancelled should payment not be received.

You are responsible for payment before your appointment.

Appointments are confirmed as soon as the payment is received.

Consent for coaching 2025.pdf Consent for coaching 2025.pdf
Size : 144.813 Kb
Type : pdf
Bank letter Feb 2025.pdf Bank letter Feb 2025.pdf
Size : 103.026 Kb
Type : pdf


$ 77 USD

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